Kako dizajniramo sajt specijalno za Vas, tako da on ispuni Vaša očekivanja? Tako što poslu pristupamo sistematski, sa jasno definisanim koracima koji su neophodni za postizanje rezultata.



1. Initial phase, defining goals and implementation deadlines.

We begin each project with an introductory conversation in which we jointly define the goals we should achieve. We will listen to your ideas, the objectives that need to be accomplished, and based on our knowledge and experience, offer our solutions. There are several aspects that need to be defined in order to develop a winning strategy. For this purpose, we have created a questionnaire that needs to be completed before we start defining the strategy. As you know your business best and we specialize in website development and online brand representation, together we can create an excellent plan that will elevate your online business to a higher level. The agreement results in a plan with clearly defined timelines and phases that need to be completed in order to achieve the defined goal. This approach allows you to track the implementation of the agreed-upon plan, ensuring that you have entrusted this important task to a reliable partner.

2. Design and Content Planning

Once we have identified the target audience, set goals, conducted strategic analysis, and defined plans, the project moves into a phase where we define what information needs to be published on the website and how we will best present that information. People often think that design is the only important aspect of a website, but they forget that a website primarily serves to provide visitors with specific information. Visitors to the website want to easily find out what interests them. For this reason, careful planning of the website architecture is necessary. Architecture includes functionality, design, and the user’s navigation path through the site. All the essential aspects of website development will be outlined in a diagram that we will provide to you before starting the website development process.


3. Web design example

In this phase, the web designer creates a website layout proposal. They define the basic colors and fonts in accordance with the website’s scheme. There is a reason behind every color combination, font choice, and content arrangement. You will receive this information along with the website layout proposal in a document called “Website Design Proposal.” Once you approve the proposal, we proceed with the website development on our dedicated internet domain. All the websites we create are responsive and optimized for viewing on various devices. Since a large number of users access websites from their mobile devices, we ensure a top-notch user experience for them as well.

4. Testing Website Functionality

Creating high-quality websites that will work on all devices requires thorough testing. Before launching, we will test your website on all internet browsers (Chrome, Mozilla, Edge, Explorer, Opera) as well as on various screen sizes of mobile phones and tablets. We do this to ensure that the website loads quickly and without errors on all devices.

5. Website Deployment and Analysis

After you have approved the final design and functionality of the website, we will deploy it on your domain. This process does not take long, so if you already have an existing website, the downtime will be minimal. After the website is live, we will conduct another round of testing to ensure that it meets all the defined requirements, loads quickly, and functions without any issues.

6. Website maintenance

Your website is the showcase of your company on the internet. You need to constantly update it with new news, offers, or other information related to your business in order to attract visitors and potential clients. Continuous monitoring of website visits and visitor behavior provides us with necessary information on how to improve the website. This job never ends. Website maintenance is supplemented with optimization. You can read more about website optimization on our blog.

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